Friday, May 22, 2009

Sunshine Galore!

Friday afternoon already and another week has almost gone by. Antibiotics are finished and I am feeling a little stronger each day, although eating is very difficult. I just don't have an appetite and when I eat, I feel nauseous afterwards. I was outside earlier, enjoying the warm, sunny weather. Wow, is it ever beautiful! I pulled a few weeds from my garden and removed the worn-out tulip leaves. Now I think I'll sit on my deck for a bit and read.
I think they're building another new house behind my complex. I've been hearing the bulldozer digging all day. (Oh, it must be quittin' time - the machine has just been turned off!) It definitely was quieter when the land behind me was cattle pasture. I'll have to go and take a walk out there a little later.
Have a sun-filled and happy weekend. Rejoice in God's Son in your life!

love, Sandra

1 comment:

  1. Hey there, Sandra! It's been fun hanging out with you tonight...can't wait for the blog update!! Glad to hear and see that you're doing better and that you are able to walk about and enjoy the beautiful sunshine:). Thanks for the shoes...

    Enjoy the fabulous weather...get a lounge chair so you can lay outside and enjoy it even more!

