Saturday, December 12, 2009

What Can I Say?

It's hard to know what to write. I talked to both my oncologist and my GP on Thursday night and Friday. Tests show that I need a biopsy again and it is recommended to be done soon. Needless to say, I am anxious about what this all means but I cannot get ahead of things. I don't have a biopsy date or time yet but I hope it will happen this week. I will keep you informed as my mind takes in all this information and tries to adjust. Sometimes I am calm, other times I am very restless. I am not very focused on anything but baking helps settle me down so I've got lots of cookies and muffins in the house. Please pray for miraculous results and peace that passes all understanding.

Hoping in Him,


  1. Dear Sandra,
    we will carry your burdens to Jesus with you and ask HIM to care for you like it says in 1. Peter 5, 7: 'Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.'

    Sandra, the following is a poem we received in an e-mail today by Cathy Hardy, who created two CD's with Taize` music and meditations.

    "It has been hard to say,
    ‘I did what I could’ – when that means that I have to admit
    That I can’t hold everything
    Together all the time.
    To allow things to fall and crash and break
    To allow things to get lost and not found
    To allow misperceptions and judgements to be – without freaking
    To allow my carefully laid plans to fall apart
    To allow the feeling of emptiness to come close to me when I feel that things are slipping through my fingers

    To allow my heart to say


    To YOU

    In the midst of these moments

    And not lose heart

    To be willing to be turned upside down
    And shaken loose of my firm grip on things
    So I can rest

    In my poverty and humanity

    And celebrate the mystery,

    The paradox, The miracle of
    Emmanuel – God with us.

    Cathy Hardy
    Cathy AJ Hardy
    Cathy's Music Studio
    (604) 814. 0199
    Music is the poetry of the air. ~Richter

    Greetings from Anja (and family)

  2. Praying for the perfect peace of Jesus to comfort you right now.
    ♥ Sarah
