Monday, August 17, 2009

At home again

I am at my own home again and wanted to share a few new pictures with you. My sister's youngest boy, Eric, made such a striking piece of art and I just had to show you. He wrote some sayings in the pink ribbon part but I forgot to write them down. When my sister, Sharon, came a couple of weeks ago, she brought along Audrey's favourite song through this breast cancer journey that she had written in calligraphy. I am just reminded over and over again in so many different ways how God is ever present. I also feel so strongly the love of family, both my own immediate family near and far, and God's larger family, all around the world. Thank you for the reminder of God's peace, too, in your sermon yesterday, Nathaniel. You made Psalm 29 speak loudly and through God's still, "peaceful" voice.
"God makes His people strong.
God gives His people peace." (Psalm 29:11 The Message)


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