Saturday, December 8, 2012

Birds at My Window

A couple of days ago my oldest brother put up a bird feeder off of my front deck. When I'm sitting in my chair I can see if birds are arriving to get some food. Well, just this morning a little black-capped chickadee came around to investigate. He sat on my deck, almost as if to say "good morning,"and then hopped down to get some food. Other birds were waiting nearby in the trees. I hope the news gets out that there's delicious food to be found at #12 and I'll be able to watch birds stopping by for a tasty treat. Of course, the deer wandering by my back door this afternoon might get jealous. They're looking for food, too.
It's so true...This is my Father's world and if He's caring for those little birds He's made, I know He'll watch over us, too!

In His care,

1 comment:

  1. Dear Auntie Sandra,

    Hope you are enjoying watching all the birds around your house! Kenneth and I were really amazed by the diversity of birds around there and we had a lot of fun "poking" around in the neighborhood looking for birds. I think the nice patch of woods by your house created a very nice habitat for the birds. We saw our "lifer" varied-thrush there and was thrilled by it. Before our visit to BC I haven't done much birding for more than a year (with Jasmine, things got much harder), so the little birding experience there really made my happy. I forgot how much I love being outside enjoying the nature. Jasmine had fun with us too, although she fell asleep during most of our birding walks... (well, make she didn't think it was as fun as her Mommy hoped...)

    Happy birding!

