Monday, February 6, 2012

Big Surprise!!!!

This blog comes to you from my brand new IPad. This afternoon some of my staff came to my house and brought this wonderful gift! I can't believe it! The students at our fabulous elementary school collected money so we can stay connected. Thank you so very much, students. You have surprised me and I am amazed. I can't thank you enough. I'm still getting used to operating this new gadget but I love how light and compact this is! I will certainly get a lot of use out of this. I'll easily be able to take this along into waiting rooms as I go for yet another appointment. Thank you,thank you.
Time to get ready for bed. Today started out with a severe headache and later in the morning another doctor's visit. I got some new medication and I hope that will keep those headaches away. Have a wonderful day tomorrow and you can be sure I will enjoy my fantastic new toy!!

Love, Sandra


  1. That's so very cool!! What a fun treat:) That Roy is pretty sneaky. I'm sure it will be fun to play with and experiment with. You can teach me how to use one!!

    That stinks about your headaches...hopefully new meds will help.

    Praying you can soon be headache free (or at least headache infrequent) soon!


  2. You are going to love that Ipad! Just get a few movies on there and the time will pass quickly (in the waiting rooms!).
    You are in our thoughts and prayers!
    the vanegmonds
