Saturday, September 8, 2012

What Shall I Write?

Shall I tell you how nauseous I am or how excited to have a friend coming to visit? Shall I let you know that I can't stop yawning because I'm so tired, or that I'm reading so many books because I can't sleep at night? Do you want to know how things can change so drastically from one day to the next? What a journey! How glad I am to have God as my refuge and strength! I sure couldn't walk this road on my own power. "Because Your love is better than life, my lips will glorify You." (Ps.63). To God be all the glory, praise, and honour!

Love in Jesus' name,

1 comment:

  1. Sandra,
    I just wanted to let you know that I been a silent follower of your blog and been thinking about you and praying for you all this time. Since a couple of days ago, you mentioned how much you love the comments, I figured it was about time I figure out how to post one. You are a true reflection of Christ's love and faithfulness in the words you speak. You have touched my heart so many times and in so many ways! All of us Apperloos miss seeing you for concert days and cherish those times in our hearts. Lots of love and prayers, Yolanda
