Saturday, October 20, 2012

An Update and Hot Apple Cider

It's autumn and my new favourite drink is hot apple cider. I'm sipping that right now as I write this blog. Let me briefly update you:
Thursday - I went for a CT scan at 2:30 p.m. and then had to return to emerg. to get the results. The doctor said it didn't look like the cancer has progressed and he couldn't spot any signs of infection in my abdomen. My white blood count was very good and I knew I'd be able to have chemo the next day. All good news! I was encouraged by that report and thankful for God'scare gracious answers to our prayers.
Friday - My onc. called me in the morning to say I could have chemo that afternoon and that's what I did. Last night I was reacting to the chemo quite a bit - my temp. spiked and I got very congested but all was well again when I went to bed.
Saturday - Today was a relaxing day. I had a fair amount of pain so I've taken extra meds. to keep that under control. I feel like there is a pharmacy in my bedroom! My, oh my!
Sabbath blessings to you all! Keep on looking up. He's got the whole world in His hands! Pretty amazing, eh?


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