Thursday, March 29, 2012

Thinking Out Loud

Yesterday a friend (thanks, A) introduced me to a children's book about a cat walking in different coloured shoes, depending on different circumstances. I was struck by the moral at the end of the book: "No matter what you step in, keep walking along and singing your song....because it's all good." (Eric Litwin). Then as I read a devotional this morning the author talked about the best day not depending on what I've done in a day but rather on who I am in Christ. I think of myself so often as a music teacher and I love to plan what I can do in a day. I am easily discouraged when I can't do what I want to do. It is in Christ that we live, and move, and have our being. In the circumstances that I am in now, I can only keep walking along, singing God's song because I live in Him. That doesn't mean it's always easy, and that doesn't mean I don't need a reminder every day, but I know that I go with my Saviour, step by step, singing in His loving care. And thanks for the concert today, C. You helped me keep on singing in His steps.


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