Thursday, March 1, 2012

Welcome to March!

Before I fall asleep here I'd like to connect with you. I 'm so tired this evening. The last few days have been a little easier, although I still struggle with waves of nausea. I'm finished my first 7 days of chemo pills; now just one more week before I get a week off. I hope and pray daily that this chemo is working effectively and arresting the cancer.
I received a Puritan prayer from a friend (thanks, Karen) and just have to share a part of it that was so comforting to me. "Let me not be at my own disposal, but rejoice that I am under the care of one who is too wise to err, too kind to injure, too tender to crush.". What a great, loving Father we have!

Rejoicing to be in His kind and tender care,

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