Monday, March 16, 2009


Today was a good day! I went out for a hair cut this morning (one last time before it falls out). I was going to look for some "new hair" but the wig store was closed so I'll do that tomorrow instead. I ran some other errands before lunch and then came home for a bite to eat. This afternoon Jeanette and I went out and did a little shopping. It just felt like a "normal" day and I enjoyed the freedom to get around. The next few days will go by quickly before I leave on Thursday for Alberta. I am looking forward to seeing my sister and family and visiting friends in Lacombe.
It felt like the first day of Spring Break even if I haven't been teaching for awhile!

Enjoying the good days,

1 comment:

  1. "Normal" days are certainly wonderful. Its amazing how quickly we take "normal" for granted, isn't it? Here's to another "normal" day for you!
    Adam and I are headed out this morning for Lacombe! See you later this week! Safe travels!

    Love, Alyssa
