Thursday, March 12, 2009

Of chemo and pizza

Good evening everyone,
My goodness - so much has happened in the last two days I haven't even updated the blog yet! This morning Ardie and I returned to the hospital to take in a chemo teaching clinic. We learned so much about the BC Cancer Agency and all the wonderful programs available to patients and their families. We took a little walk around the cancer clinic but I could not look in the chemo room. The memories were just too strong for me and I still don't know how I'm going to walk into that room on Thursday, Mar.26, when I have my first chemo treatment. I will be receiving 2 drugs and the good news is that I will only need 4 rounds - a treatment every 3 weeks for 12 weeks. I went to the lab after that for blood work and that was very difficult. My veins are very poor and the nurse had to restart three times to get what she needed. I'm hoping to have a portacath inserted for treatments and bloodwork. The chemo nurse will decide that on March 26 but my doctor already said that is a real possibility.
After the hospital I went to school and had a fantastic pizza lunch with the staff. After lunch I visited every classroom and said "hi" to the students. It was wonderful to be at school and so good to see everyone, even if only for an afternoon. Thank you students and staff for your continued daily prayers, your gifts of food, the amazing cards, your gentle hugs, and your love.
I'm grateful for two weeks yet before chemo. I can't imagine how I will go through it but for now I'll just think about the new wig and the cool summer hats! and hang on to God's promises!
Remember the word to Your servant,
Upon which You have caused me to hope.
This is my comfort in my affliction,
For Your word has given me life.
Psalm 119:49-50

Hanging on,

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